- Work Package n°2 - Learning Framework and Data Collection
Heatwaves Inventory
An analysis of Current Climate Change Education Frameworks:
Inventory of literature, national and international standards,
reports, and books, referring to teaching climate change
focusing on online education.
Download Heatwaves Inventory:
Misconceptions about Heat waves
An analysis of Current Climate Change Education Frameworks:
Students’ and Teachers’ misconceptions about climate
change, global warming and heatwaves
Download Misconceptions Heatwaves:
Heatwaves Technical Analysis
A technical analysis that presents the
situation of heat waves across European cities
Download Heat waves Technical report:
- Work Package n°3 - Educational Programme for Students
Interactive Course on Heatwaves for Students
An interactive course that supports secondary school students in understanding climate change, encourages active participation in climate change discussions and promotes behaviour change for greener practices
Educational Game on the Relations between Urban Design and Heatwaves
An interactive game that simulates the effects of the environment in cities on temperature and heat waves.
E-learning Platform
HEATWAVES online platform that hosts the project’s interactive materials

- Work Package n°4- Educational Programme for Teachers
Digital Learning Resources for Teachers
An interactive course that supports secondary school teachers in improving their
knowledge of climate change, heat waves and the urban environment.
Train the Trainers Webinar
A webinar to train participants on how to use the
platform and how to experience its contents.